
The label erfolg and the designer Claudia Hägeli come together in a remarkably sustainable way.

hägeli Paris has created a redesign series of pullovers for women and men from goods with running stitches from the manufacturer of erfolg.

Two or three sweaters make a new one. Stitches and colors vary in the same piece. As always with erfolg, the pullover is made from 100% high-quality natural fibers.

The unique items are waiting for people who are committed to slow fashion.

erfolg Shop Basel

Spalenberg 36
CH-4051 Basel
Phon : 061 262 22 55

Mo – Fr : 11am – 6.30pm
in the afternoon 30 min. break
Sa : 10am – 5pm

erfolg Shop Zürich 5

Viaduktstrasse 45
8005 Zürich
Phone: 043 810 85 10

Mo – Fr : 11am – 7pm
in the afternoon 30 min. break
Sa : 10am – 6pm

erfolg Shop Bern

im Toku Store
Gerechtigkeitsgasse 53
3011 Bern
Phone : 031 311 72 00

Mo – Fr : 10am – 6.30pm
Thu : 10am – 8pm
Sa : 10am – 5pm
